A mobile tattoo shop that comes to your location for your appointment. All planning, designing, payments, and research happens through an app. No need to leave your house for numerous appointments or settle for an artist that you are unhappy with just becasue they are close.
The main font choice and the hand done illustration encapsulates the classic tattoo shop feel while the bright contrasting colors and the sans serif secondary font covers the modern feel of the app. The octopus was to symbolize the ink of the tattoo while the steering wheel represents the bus.
When originally going through the sitemap I focused on simplicity. It wasn't until the wireframe stage that I realized the complexity of the app. While this gave me a starting point, it definitely is not the structure of the final project. There was a lot that I didn't know I would need until I got there in the wireframe or the design.
After lots of wireframe revisions, this was the final set I came up with prior to the design stage. Though this was a lot more complex than originally planned for, the focus was still on keeping it simple for the user. One example was to only show the user the options that apply to them, i.e. if their project is still in progress, they don't need any of the appointment options until the design is approved. Something that a user can easily and quickly become familiar with and access their needed information within just a few clicks. View the wireframe prototype.
The first step of the design process was to develop a consistency first with the branding then with the elements. All the buttons, input forms, icons and tab systems have the same style making it easy for the user to recognize each element. Along with the sitemap and wireframes, the designs are not exact replicas of the wireframes. One major change was the menu setup. I was able to group more pages into the settings section which cut down on the amount of menu items. This allowed for a fixed menu at the bottom of every page which gives the user quick access to the things that were most important.
Click through the prototype below to check out the final results. You can either be an existing user with projects already in the making or you can go through the process of setting up a new project. Enjoy!